Thursday, February 18, 2010


As I am creating this blog, I realize, I have blogger issues... maybe I love to hear myself or something... IDK... but this is my THIRD blog... I have one just for family and friends (not too personal of info and seriously can't gripe about anything good there...) and I have my random blog where I blog about pointless stupid stuff that pertains to nothing but a mighty good laugh... hmmmm maybe I will combine that one with this one....

This is my daily life blog. I will whine, I will fuss... I will complain of others.... And I don't care if you like it or not :p

Please leave messages and discussions. I am open to it!

To the peeps new to getting to know me. I am a fairly new army wife... My husband enlisted over a year ago now. Its been quite the journey. We have lived in three homes in one year... thankful to be semi permanently settled at the moment....

We are facing our first deployment.... if it would hurry up and actually happen... with my man having knee issues... the topic is a sore spot in our household at the moment :p